Gourcilloux - produits de jardin

General Terms and Conditions


Please note - this page is a legal requirement.  In summary, you can not purchase or pay through our website. The website is for information purposes only. We do not see, use or store customer data, including payment card details, other than for the legal requirement of issuing invoices or payment receipts following a payment.  Further small print is in English below.



Les présentes conditions régissent exclusivement les ventes proposées par James Duncan - Gourcilloux Plants

Les prix de nos produits sont indiqués en Euro et toutes taxes comprises.
Toutes les commandes sont payables en Euro.
Gourcilloux se réserve le droit de modifier ses prix à tout moment mais les produits seront facturés sur la base des tarifs en vigueur au moment de l'achat.
Les produits demeurent la propriété de Gourcilloux jusqu'au paiement complet du prix.

Gourcilloux n'accepte pas les commandes ou les paiements en ligne.

Mode de paiement et Conditions particulières

Toutes les phases de paiement à effectuer entre l'acheteur et SumUp sont entièrement cryptées et protégées. Le protocole utilisé est le SSL couplé au paiement électronique bancaire. James Duncan - Gourcilloux, n'a donc pas connaissance de vos coordonnées bancaires et ne sont stockées sous aucune forme chez nous.

Biens se détériorant rapidement, les plantes sont exclues des droits légaux de retour.

Litige applicable
Le présent contrat est soumis au droit français. La langue du présent contrat est le français. En cas de litige, les tribunaux d'Angoulême (France) seront seuls compétents.






The small print in English

These conditions exclusively govern the sales offered by James Duncan - Gourcilloux Plants

The prices of our products are indicated in Euro and all taxes are included.
All orders are payable in Euro.
Gourcilloux reserves the right to modify its prices at any time but the products will be invoiced on the basis of the rates in effect at the time of purchase.
The products remain the property of Gourcilloux until full payment of the price.

Gourcilloux does not accept orders or payments online.

Payment Method and Special Conditions

All payment phases to be carried out between the buyer and SumUp are fully encrypted and protected. The protocol used is SSL coupled with bank electronic payment.  James Duncan - Gourcilloux, therefore does not know your bank card details and are not stored in any form with us.

As rapidly deteriorating goods, plants are excluded from the legal return rights. 

Applicable law disputes
This contract is subject to French law. The language of this contract is French. In the event of a dispute, the courts of Angoulême (France) will have sole jurisdiction.

Your Personal Data:

What we need

This website will be what is known as the "Controller" of the personal data you provide to us, which may include name, address, email and so on.

Why we need it

Your data is collected primarily for fulfilment of your orders and relaying of messages you send through this website.

What we do with it

Your data provided to this website is relayed to the website owner, and is archived by the website service provider Theimagefile.com. The service provider data archive exists primarily in Ireland.

How long we keep it

Your online order data is stored for a number of years as required by tax law. Some aspects of your online order data can be anonymised at your request and to the extent allowable by law. Your other non-order data (i.e. marketing or messaging data) can be deleted or anonymised at your request, as per requirements of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). You may also unsubscribe from marketing communications at any time.

What are your rights?

If at any point you believe the information we process on you is incorrect, you may request to see this information and even have it corrected or deleted. If you wish to raise a complaint on how we have handled your personal data, you can contact our Data Protection Officer who will investigate the matter. Unless otherwise stated in this document, the managing director of this website acts as the EU Data Protection Officer (DPO) and can be reached from the contact page of this website.

If you are not satisfied with our response or believe we are processing your personal data not in accordance with the law you can complain to the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO).

What are cookies?

Cookies are small pieces of data, stored in text files, that are stored on your computer or other device when websites are loaded in a browser. They are widely used to "remember" you and your preferences, either for a single visit (through a "session cookie") or for multiple repeat visits (using a "persistent cookie"). They ensure a consistent and efficient experience for visitors, and perform essential functions such as allowing users to register and remain logged in. Cookies may be set by the site that you are visiting (known as "first party cookies"), or by other websites who serve up content on that site ("third party cookies").

Cookies on this website

This website uses cookies for a variety of different purposes. These include those that are "strictly necessary" for technical reasons; those that enable a personalized experience for visitors and registered users; and those that interact with selected third party networks. Some of these cookies may be set when a page is loaded, or when a visitor takes a particular action, such as clicking a "like" button. Below is a description of each category of cookies that are in use, along with specific examples.

Strictly Necessary

These are the cookies that are essential for websites to perform their basic functions. These include those required to allow registered users to authenticate and perform account related functions, as well as to save the contents of virtual "carts" on sites that have an e-commerce functionality:

sid - temporary session cookie identifier, used for login sessions and shopping cart

tif_cem - temporary session cookie for current email, used for secure albums requiring email login

tx1_EGS - temporary session cookie storing search term for album searches

tx1_fmm - temporary session cookie allowing viewing desktop site from mobile & vice versa

tx1_vprefp - persistent cookie remembering your preference when you close certain notifications on this website (Cookie Bar, Announcement Bar, and related)

Unless otherwise noted below, we do not use cookies for optional functionality, AB testing, performance, advertising and so on.

Third Party/Embedded Content

This website may make use of different third party applications and services to enhance the experience of website visitors. These include social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter (through the use of sharing buttons), or embedded content from YouTube and Vimeo, or tracking services such as Google Analytics. As a result, cookies may be set by these third parties, and used by them to track your online activity. We have no direct control over the information that is collected by these cookies.

Controlling cookies

Visitors may wish to restrict the use of cookies, or completely prevent them from being set. Most browsers provide for ways to control cookie behaviour such as the length of time they are stored - either through built-in functionality or by utilizing third party plugins.

To find out more on how to manage and delete cookies, visit aboutcookies.org. For more details on advertising cookies, and how to manage them, visit youronlinechoices.eu (EU based) or aboutads.info (US based).

It's important to note that restricting or disabling the use of cookies can limit the functionality of sites, or prevent them from working correctly at all.

Web beacons and other tracking technologies

Both websites and HTML e-mails may also contain other tracking technologies such as "web beacons". These are typically small transparent images that provide us with statistics, for similar purposes as cookies. They are often used in conjunction with cookies, though they are not stored on your computer in the same way. As a result, if you disable cookies, the web beacons may still load, but their functionality will be restricted.